This year - thanks to the enormous engagement of sellers who joined the promotion - we will double the scale of the event. All eligible customers may join Smart! na Start program and with no strings attached and at no additional costs test our loyalty program, get access to Smart! Week hot deals and unlimited free deliveries during the festival. Clients will be able to choose from millions of products discounted even up to 70% from categories starting from basic households appliance like console games, air purifiers, computers, tools, smartphones and big LCD TVs or popular detergents, diapers, pots, perfumes. Such a large number of offers is proof that sellers appreciate Smart! Week's potential and see it as a chance to increase their sales. Smart! Week is again record-breaking among sellers and we are constantly receiving new applications with attractive offers. We've been working hard on improvements for the last year to make sure that this year's edition will be even bigger.
Aleksandra Sroka-Krzyżak, Strategy Director at Allegro