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Look no further. Hundreds thousand offers on Allegro now have the Best Price Guarantee

As many as 82% of Poles surveyed have changed their shopping habits and are more likely to take additional steps to find the lowest price of a product. On Allegro, it’s simple. Hundreds thousand offers available on the platform have just been included in a campaign that guarantees the best price among the most popular online stores.

A vast majority of consumers (82%) claim they have changed their shopping habits; when planning a major expense, buyers spend more time looking for the best offer and thinking over the purchase (66%). They are also more likely to compare different products and their prices (61%).1
From now on, buyers who choose a product labelled Best Price Guarantee on Allegro can rest assured they no longer need to take all those time-consuming steps, i.e. compare offers and their prices in selected stores, as Allegro will do it for them. Every day, the platform compares the prices of hundreds of thousands of offers in several of the most popular online stores to give its customers the confidence they will find them at the best price on Allegro.
How exactly does the Guarantee work? If the buyer finds a cheaper offer in one of dozens online stores named in the terms & conditions and reports it to Allegro within 72 hours of the purchase of the product on Allegro, the platform will match the price by offering a coupon redeemable on Allegro. The maximum refund value during the campaign is as much as PLN 200 monthly! 

We can see how important the product price is today. Our studies have clearly shown that buyers are ready to take a number of additional steps to make sure they found the best offer. At Allegro, we can give them a guarantee of that with the campaign we’ve just launched. That said, we want these solutions to support buyers in the long term, which is why we’ll certainly continue to work on them to make shopping on our platform as convenient and beneficial as possible

 Jakub Gałczyński, Head of Group Campaign Sourcing and Deal Zone, Allegro

The guarantee applies to hundreds of thousands of offers, including products in many categories such as Electronics, Home & Garden, Health & Beauty, Culture & Arts, and more. Click this link to read the full terms & conditions. The campaign will receive wide marketing support.

1 A survey conducted on behalf of Allegro by Mind & Roses in August 2022 (a year-on-year comparison of consumer behaviour, 2022 vs. 2021). A survey conducted on a sample of 1,568 people.

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