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Books on Allegro and Allegro Lokalnie in 2022
  • More than 23 million books sold on Allegro in 2022.
  • Monday is the day on which we buy most new and used books.
  • The record for most books bought by a single customer on Allegro stood at 11,613.
The Books category offers a wide selection and enjoys interest from customers on both Allegro and Allegro Lokalnie. This is also supported by data; more than 3.7 million customers bought at least one book on Allegro, and over 44 books were sold every minute on average in 2022!

Book trends on Allegro

Last year, more than 23 million books were sold on Allegro, with the top buyer buying as many as 11,613 books. Data show that customers usually decided to buy school books because the platform offers all school books at the best prices. The following two genres were children’s books and literature. Moreover, while women purchased books more often than men, their choices were nearly identical and fairly practical... The top spots are held by the already mentioned children’s books, school books and literature. Outside the top three, women mostly buy calendars, gadgets and accessories while men buy science and popular science books. It is also worth noting that, as far as literature is concerned, women usually choose literary fiction, as well as popular fiction and erotica while men select literary fiction, as well as fantasy and horror books. The most popular authors in the Books category were Anita Głowińska, Marta Galewska-Kustra and Remigiusz Mróz.

The pandemic has changed our approach to literature and shopping habits. Considering the economic uncertainty and a relatively low level of readership, last year’s data for the Book and Comics category on both Allegro and Allegro Lokalnie are definitely encouraging. As the largest e-commerce platform in Poland, we want to offer buyers the widest choice possible, including the culture segment, at the best prices with the fastest delivery. We’re also happy to have continued our support for culture last year, including as the Strategic Partner of the international event that is the Conrad Festival.

Marek Skomorowski, Head of Group Category, Culture & Entertainment, and Head of C2C and Allegro Lokalnie

Customers used smartphones more often than computers to pay for their purchases (58% vs 41% of all transactions). Most books were sold on Monday evenings, specifically between 9 and 10 p.m. In 2022, the shopping peak fell on 6 September, when more than 182,000 books were sold – customers were buying as many as 127 every minute! 

Second-hand books on Allegro Lokalnie

More and more often, customers choose to buy and sell second-hand books. The Books category on Allegro Lokalnie grew a whopping 25% in 2022, with most second-hand books sold on Mondays at 7 p.m. The top buyer bought 791 used books for over PLN 84,000! Customers were most likely to shop in categories such as school textbooks, science and popular science books (in particular history and archaeology), as well as literary fiction, popular literature and non-fiction (mainly fantasy). As for the authors, the most popular names were Remigiusz Mróz, Anna Helmin and Stephen King. The Books category on Allegro Lokalnie also includes some rare finds, with the most expensive titles sold in 2022 being: 
  • The Millennium Bible autographed by Card. Stefan Wyszyński, sold at PLN 20,000
  • The Great Marvel Comics Collection, sold at PLN 5,800
  • Topographische Anatomie, 3 parts, Eduard Pernkopf, sold at PLN 4,000.
Data show that customers are very eager to buy new books on Allegro. However, they are also increasingly turning to second-hand books in search of interesting titles. To celebrate World Book Day on 23 April, Allegro Lokalnie has prepared a special offer for its customers. Everyone who adds at least one ad in any category on Allegro Lokalnie between 20 and 27 April will receive a code for a free e-book or audiobook downloadable from Legimi. To learn more about the special offer, visit

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