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Allegro supports victims of the war in Ukraine

The humanitarian aid needs grow with each passing day of the war. Long-term support and aid diversification among various groups suffering from the warfare effects are crucial. Within days of the Russian aggression against Ukraine, Allegro Group has taken action to support organizations providing humanitarian aid. The company has also involved its customers, giving them several opportunities to support selected initiatives. In total, more than PLN 11.7 million has already been collected.

The company has provided in-kind (food, cleaning supplies, Allegro vouchers), as well as non-material and financial assistance. Since the war started, Allegro Group has supported non-profits advocating for Ukraine with more than PLN 2.9 million. PLN 1 million was donated to the Polish Migration Forum, PLN 700 thousand to the Ocalenie Foundation, and PLN 300 thousand to the Homo Faber Association, all for legal, psychological and social assistance in organizing life in Poland for refugees from Ukraine. Financial support of PLN 100 thousand for the Ukraine Foundation and PLN 20 thousand for the Nomad Association were also provided by Ceneo. In addition, PLN 800 thousand from the Allegro Group were allocated for the development of the St. Nicholas Harbors (PL: Przystanie Św. Mikołaja), where children from Ukraine could have taken part in summer camps, prepared for the next school year in a new country, learned Polish and received psychological support. With Allegro support, the Saint Nicholas Foundation's initiative has expanded to 33 new Harbors across Poland. The project is still underway.
Allegro employees are also actively engaged in helping. Their enthusiasm for developing bottom-up initiatives has turned into local charity collections and volunteering involvement. To facilitate them in developing their initiatives, the Allegro All For Planet Foundation dedicated the 3rd edition of the #we_help_because_we_can charity grant competition to support Ukraine, among others. 19 charity initiatives were selected, and the maximum grant amount for each local organization chosen by Allegro employees was PLN 15 thousand. Also, this year's edition of the Spin Kilometres campaign supported the Ukrainian goal of helping animal shelters in Ukraine. Allegro employees raised PLN 30 thousand in total by cycling, running or walking. Another example of the Allegro Foundation's commitment was its support to the Warsaw Medical University with the donation of nearly PLN 84 thousand for necessary training equipment for Ukrainian paramedics, in accordance with TC3 procedures.
To scale up its efforts, Allegro also leveraged the technological capabilities of its platform. Within days of the war outbreak, the company launched charity donations for Allegro customers that could be easily added to the shopping cart while finalizing transactions. In March, donations totalled more than PLN 6.5 million for the Polish Center for International Aid (PCPM). The funds were used for humanitarian aid, evacuation of the local population and psychological support for children. In April and May, customer donations of more than PLN 1 million were directed to the Saint Nicholas Foundation, supporting aid operations for Ukrainian children in Poland and Ukraine, as well as participation in the reconstruction of damaged educational infrastructure.
At the same time, NGOs have actively benefited from the capabilities of the Allegro Charity platform, a part of Allegro that serves to raise money for various charitable causes. Currently, more than 50 non-profits have profited from it, including the Polish Humanitarian Action (PAH), the Siepomaga Foundation, the Polish Medical Mission or the SOS Children's Villages. All information about the current fundraising efforts is available at

There are several ways to get involved in helping:

  • Participating in non-profits' fundraising on Allegro Charytatywni. Users can buy and bid on items listed on fundraising auctions of verified non-governmental organizations, as well as transfer additional sums to achieve their fundraising goal - the funds go directly to the account of a given organization.
  • Listing items for sale or auction. Anyone can contribute to charity fundraising and list an item via Allegro Charytatywni - just fill out the form, choose the fundraising goal, the sale format (buy now or auction), the listing duration and the delivery method. Allegro does not charge any fees for charity listings.
We thank all donors for their support and generosity!
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