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It is here! Allegro presents its 2022 ESG Report

A holistic approach to managing environmental impact, including ambitious climate targets, social impact and commitment to employee volunteering, support for refugees from Ukraine and best management practices - all this and a lot more is presented in the newest annual ESG Report by the largest e-commerce platform of European origin.

It contains data and information from across Allegro. In addition to the group’s Polish companies Allegro,, eBilet, Allegro Pay and Allegro Finance, it now for the first time also covers ESG activities by the Mall Group and WE|DO following Allegro’s last-year purchase of the Czech assets.
The company's dynamic ESG development has been recognised and acknowledged internationally, topped off in December 2022 by the MSCI agency, which raised's ESG rating to 'AA' only to reiterate its stance in March 2023. All through 2022, Allegro has been introducing and expanding the spectrum of activities and initiatives in each aspect, emphasising the priority areas for the entire group:

A great place to work

At the end of 2022, Allegro employed 7,840 people across six countries, and an engagement survey showed that up to 82% of employees would recommend Allegro as a great place to work. 1,159 employees were involved in employee volunteering, also making use of the not-obligatory paid day off for volunteering, which Allegro introduced in August 2022. Diversity, equality and inclusivity (DEI) are important subjects for the company, as exemplified by gender pay equality. Allegro is proud to share that in 2022 it has already reached the target of less than 5%* for the gender pay gap at its Polish operations, as per the Pay Transparency Directive**. What’s more, up to 85% of employees perceive Allegro as a workplace where everyone is respected regardless of gender, age or any other dimension of diversity. Our employees are keen to benefit from development activities, as many as 92% of them taking part in at least one training course from a rich offer of almost 14,400 workshops, webinars, e-learnings, conferences or coaching sessions last year.

*Women’s remuneration against men’s (men=100%) is 95.1%. Weighted average for group size at each level of the corporate structure and in a given business area

**Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council to strengthen the application of the principle of equal pay for equal work or work of equal value between men and women through pay transparency and enforcement mechanisms negotiations of which have been completed. The act will be adopted in 2023.

Best customers experience 

High customer satisfaction is a hallmark of Allegro, with an rNPS of 80.8 at the end of 2022. Not only does the number of active buyers on Allegro continue to grow, reaching 14.1 million at the end of 2022, 90% of them admitted that shopping on Allegro is safer or as safe as on other platforms. For over 133,000 professional merchants selling on our platform we are also preparing an e-learning platform called Allegro Academy, which had almost 480,000 unique users last year. Enabling customers to make sustainable choices is one of the company's priorities, which is why we are developing Allegro Naturalnie, which features a growing database of listings with recognised environmental and sustainability certifications. At the same time, Allegro Lokalnie is becoming increasingly popular, with the number of active mostly second-hand listings posted by individual users, increased by almost a third year-on-year in 2022,. Building services based on accessibility is also key for us, which is why we have introduced the possibility of using Polish Sign Language translation with Allegro consultants as the only e-commerce platform in Poland. We also commit to full availability of our growing One Box parcel-machine network, with nearly 96% of Allegro’s APMs now compliant with our accessibility standards.

Environmental impact management

We continuously measure and reduce our environmental impact. Last year was when we set ambitious climate targets, and in November 2022 Allegro became one of only five major Polish companies with the targets validated and approved by the global prestigious Science Based-Target Initiatives (SBTi). We aim to contribute to the goals of the Paris Agreement and 38% reduction of GHG emissions (scope 1 and 2) by 2030 (compared to 2021) and engage at least 73% of the largest suppliers to determine their science-based targets for Scope 1 and 2 by 2027.  We aim to contribute to the goals of the Paris Agreement, and in 2022 we reduced emissions across the value chain (Scope 1, 2 and 3) by 10.4%, with our year-on-year intensity (i.e. emissions versus revenue) cut down by 28%. Thanks to guarantees of origin, 23% of energy bought by Allegro now comes from renewable sources, as we are also expanding our sustainable packaging offering, with 3.7 million of these made available last year.

Support for society

The main pillars of our social commitment are the Allegro Foundation and the Allegro Charytatywni platform. In 2022, thanks to Allegro customers, we raised PLN 56 million for charity. We were also fully engaged in helping refugees from Ukraine, with a total value of aid including donations from the company amounting to PLN 11.7 million. The Allegro Foundation continues to be active in three areas: entrepreneurship education, environmental action, and social solidarity. One of the main tools for implementing these directions is our employee volunteering program. Since 2022, the foundation has also been one of the partners of Smart Kids Planet, an interactive centre for children set up at near the company headquarters in Warsaw.

The 2022 ESG Report is the fifth report outlining Allegro's sustainability approach and practices. It has been prepared on the basis of the Global Reporting Initiative - an international reporting standard and discloses non-financial information required under the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD). In addition, the Report includes TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures) and SFDR (Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation) indicators, as well as internal indicators. The report also refers to the ESG Reporting Guidelines of the Warsaw Stock Exchange and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) guidelines, as well as to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 
The report is available in both Polish and English at:
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